Knowing the reputation of REAL hand-knotted oriental rugs regarding durabilty, cleanability, collectability and ability to maintain value versus ALL other #floor-covering choices, our #DoylestownPA customers chose a #real #rug for a casual #familyroom adjacent to their open-floorplan #kitchen area.
Recently, (after over twenty years of daily treadmill-style wear-and-tear by the family) they asked Brandon to clean their rug and replace the fringe.

This is the hand-knotted Pak-Persian #orientalrug purchased from Brandon Oriental Rugs over twenty years ago (for which we recently completed #rugcleaning and fringe replacement.)
It is seen here #like-new, back on duty in ALL ITS GLORY in our customer's #Doylestown PA home.
[Though the original fringe (after a generation of use) was still in excellent condition, our customer invited us remove the natural ivory fringe - actually part of the rug's foundation - and substitute a replacement fringe coordinated with the warm tones in the rug. The result is seen in the image above.]Brandon Oriental Rugs - #BucksCountyPA - recommends cleaning and repairing your fine quality handmade rugs to preserve like-new appearance and extend useful life.
Give your #orientalrugs some love; they're always worth at least what you paid for them.
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